Friday, October 16, 2009

64 hours later....

Baby Lila is almost three....days old. She's become a big fan of her swing and loves to be swaddled. I am as proficient in swaddling my child as I will be in wrapping her Christmas presents, which is below average. I did change my first messy diaper at about 3am this morning with little applause or reward. The dog did come into the nursery, yawn and walk back out. Thanks for the support, Abby. We went to see Dr. Heather this morning for our first road trip. Lila really likes the motion of the car. All is well minus a little jaundice, but not overly worried about it. We got to use the newborn entrance, which made us feel like celebrities. I wasn't able to see the old Maryville Pediatric offices. It's been about 15 years since I've been there. My sister and I did help pay the mortgage on that place. We're excited to have Dr. Heather and the others to help take care of baby Lila.

Four generations: Jean Lambert, Kathy Howard, KP and Lila Kate. Lila Clabough, our baby's namesake, was Jeannie's grandmother.

Amanda's grandmother, GG, looks at Lila in the hospital.

I love this picture. Amanda's sister, Melissa Webb, and her three daughters, Ella, Ava and Olivia. I really like Ava's outfit. She looks like an extra from Footloose. Uncle Matt was out getting KP and Amanda a much needed sandwich from All-American Deli when this photo was snapped. Thanks, Matt!

Good shot of Ella, Ava and Lila. Where's Olivia? Look closely and you can see her in the background.

Mom took this one yesterday while she was sunning in her Kiddopotamus.
I've made it a point to play a special song for Lila Kate each day on the iPod and sing and dance with her. We started with "Angel Eyes" by the Jeff Healey Band (it happened to be cued up on the iPod) As we listened to it, I explained to her that Road House was one of the pillars of American Cinema and we would later discuss some other Sam Elliott roles (Tombstone, The Big Lebowski) as well as Patrick Swayze's greatest film, Red Dawn). She ackowledged my soliloquoy with a burp. I'll take that as a yes.
Yesterday we had an audio doubleheader starting with "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. It's a feelgood, upbeat sing-a-long. Lila and I danced in the nursery. Abby wasn't too crazy about it, but it woke me up a little bit. We then sat down for a little burping session and listened to "The Moldau" from Ma Vlast by Bedrich Smetana. This classical music selection is a standard that musically describes the flowing of the Vltava river in Prague from it's journey from the mountains down towards the sea. We have the Baby Einstein version, but I'm finding that since I have played many of those baby classical hits or have original recordings, we should try the real thing. It's really a great piece of music and very meaningful to me. I've been to Prague with my good friends, Ben, Lewis, Elgar, and Andy. What an awesome experience that was! Lila loved it, and again burped with approval.
We lightened things up today with the guitar anthem, "More than a Feeling" by Boston. My business partner, Hoy Grimm, and I had a lengthy conversation about rock albums over lunch last week, and he mentioned this band as one of his faves. So, today's song was an homage to him. I don't want Lila to be embarrased about her dad being an air guitar hero, so I'm starting her early. She even played part of the solo herself.
That's all for now. We'll continue to post more pictures and stories as the days and weeks progress. Thanks to all who called, came by, sent food, and smiled after the birth of our little girl.

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