Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Six Week Report Card

Lila Kate turned six weeks old, or 42 days, yesterday. She has changed dramatically since we first saw her on October 13th. She's changed our lives for sure as well. She's over 10lbs and her head circumference is in the 90th percentile (definitely a trait she gets from me!).

We are really sleeping through the night now. LK averages about 8 to 8.5 hours between feedings during the nocturnal hours. She really is a pacified and happy baby. It has made our lives so enjoyable. She's smiling now, holding her head up, and enjoying her activity mat. Here's a photo of her enjoying some play time:

We're excited about our first family Thanksgiving. We'll have three meals with relatives over the next three days, so bring on the elastic waistband pants!
Yesterday, I figured out how to upload video from my iPhone to Youtube. Now I see how everything from tea parties to touchdowns to train wrecks end up on the Web. It's caveman simple. Here's a video of Baby Lila that I took last week:
And also one of my niece, Addy Grace Johnson, helping my mom in the kitchen:

LK is getting her fill of the new Bon Jovi CD. We also cranked up some Trans Siberian Orchestra in preparation for the Decking of the Halls that will take place at 319 Danielle Court on Friday.

Congratulations to our dear friends, TJ and Erin Castello!. They welcomed their daugher, Sophia Lucille, into the world on Sunday night. We're excited that Lila Kate has a playmate in the ATL suburbs. We can't wait to meet her.

Amanda and I are truly thankful for this precious child and all of the blessings we've received. We wish you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

Go Vols,


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

28 days ago....

It's hard to believe that Lila Kate was born 4 weeks ago today. She's growing, sleeping, taking a bottle, and becoming a big fan of her pacifier. We continue to get some wonderful food from our friends in the Sunday School class. We really do appreciate all of the great meals. It's allowed us more time to establish a routine and for me to spend some quality time with baby Lila.

After battling a bronchial infection and a fever last week, we learned that we can create a duplex in 319 Danielle Court if we ever need to. Abby and I lived on one half of the house while Amanda and Lila lived on the other. It was a long 48 hours, but all are well here now.

Music this week: We listened to Bon Jovi's new album, The Circle, freshly downloaded from iTunes today. We got tickets to see them in Nashville last week as well. I've been singing a lot to her and playing the piano as well.
More to come,