Saturday, September 4, 2010


Oh, what a beautiful morning! It's finally football time in Tennessee.

I love this time of year. Not only to we get a reprieve from the heat, but we get to watch football. And this season, we get to see four UT home games in a row. Our family loves to tailgate, and I look forward to nothing more that spending time with my wife,grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, Mom and friends during Saturdays in the fall. It's truly a special time.

This is also always a day that I miss my dad. His birthday was this past week, and I always think about the great times we've had at UT games. I remember holding his hand when I was 5 walking into the stadium. I got much of my fanaticism from him when it came to sports. He was as big of fan of the Vols as any of us.

When the band opens the T and Coach Dooley leads the team through for the first time, I'll have a tear in my eye remembering my Dad and the great times we shared at UT games. But I also have so much to be thankful for. My grandfather will be sitting right behind me, in the same seats he's been in for over forty years. I'll kiss my wife, and miss my baby who will be at home with a baby sitter. But I'll smile knowing that I'll get to hold her hand when I take her to a game really soon.

Go Vols!